Paying Members Make the Association Work for All

Unlike many neighborhoods, Turpin Hills does not require membership in the association. All of the residents, however, benefit from the work of the association and historically, almost all neighbors have joined.

Dues help pay for security patrols, landscaping and maintenance at the entryways, holiday decorations, our distinctive street signs, the directory, newsletters, this website, the neighborhood picnic, and other activities. These costs continue even when collections are down. The neighborhood needs your continued support.

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Having trouble with PayPal?

If clicking on our PayPal link does not take you to a Turpin Hills invoice, it’s probably taking you to your own PayPal landing page. Instead of “Paying for Goods and Services”, go to the “SEND MONEY” feature. Enter in “” as the recipient. In this method, you will be charged $2 for the service fee so only send $75 to Turpin Hills. If that does still not work, please email us at for other ways to make your payment.